Premium Draft Beer Towers
Old copper & shiny brass, stainless, chrome and colors. Minute details and ornaments made by skilled hands from the times of yore, painstakingly fitted together. Draft towers straight from Victorian era. Unlimited configurations and biggest designs, with dozens of faucets possible; some towers have hundreds of parts. Segments can be strung together for ulimited lenghts. Only the best possible materials used in production. All are glycol ready as a standard.
Berlin Beer Towers:
very versatile design, allowing unlimited combinations.
Berlin 8 faucets. Brushed copper, polished brass. 6"O.D. copper body.
Colorado Central Station Hotel & Casino
Berlin 24 faucets. Hanging from ceilling on 5' long arms. Trunk line thru both outside arms. Brushed copper, polished brass. 6"O.D.
Berlin 52 faucets, 13' long, 4 1/2' tall. Final assembly in our workshop, prior to shipping. With every part numbered and live Skype help the assembling in cutomer's place was a breeze.
Berlin 10 faucets. Hanging from soffit. Rich red brown copper patina, polished brass parts.
Berlin 10 faucets. Black powder coat, polished brass combination.
Berlin 14 faucets. Stainless steel and chrome plated brass parts make cool designs possible.
Frankfurt towers: another combination of elements for different look. Design elements from Berlin range can be used here for unlimited variations. Fine brushed copper, polished brass parts.
Cool Hand Luke s Steakhouse & Saloon
Hamburg towers: yet another design base, that can be expanded in every sense: size, materials, finishes and elements.